The Novel Green Plus provides an easy 2-step method to stain the DNA band from DNA electrophoresis. This unique reagent ensures the DNA to be stained with a high sensitivity and good quality. Novel Green Plus is a next-generation DNA-binding dye ideal for use in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and many other applications. We designed the dye by taking into consideration several essential dye properties relevant to PCR, including PCR inhibition, safety, and stability and fluorescence spectra of the dye. Ethidium Bromide (EtBr), which presents sensitivity for detecting 1-5 ng double stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the agarose gel analysis, has been the most common dye for nucleic acid gel staining. However, several drawbacks of EtBr have been understood, including that EtBr is a mutagen / carcinogen and presents a high risk of inducing cancer.