- Ready-to-use PCR master mix. Simply add primers and template
- Contains Taq DNA polymerase
- Direct DNA band visualization using blue or UV light
The BenTaq PCR Master Mix is a pre-mixed solution containing Taq DNA polymerase, buffer, dNTPs, gel loading dyes, and fluorescence dye. The Taq DNA polymerase supplied in the mixture is purified from the E. coli. and has a 5′ → 3′ DNA polymerase and the 5′ → 3′ exonuclease activity but lacks the 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity. The dyes included in the BenTaq PCR mix allow instantaneous band visualization using a blue or UV light detector and provide a safe, non-toxic and non-mutagenic alternative to ethidium bromide.
Storage at
- Room temperature up to 3 months
- 4°C up to 6 months
- -20°C up to 1 year
Note: BenTaq PCR Master Mix is light sensitive and should be stored and protected from light.